It was a bit of cloth attached to the pointed prong of an iron shutter catch, at the wall to the left of the window.
At one point, we have a brief glimpse of a yardarm with some cloth attached, cinched to look like a furled sail.
Complying with directions given in the note, Weyerhaeuser drove to a designated point, where he found two sticks driven into the ground with a piece of white cloth attached.
Then someone handed him a stick with a piece of brightly colored cloth attached to it.
He wipes the sabre clean with the cloth attached to his saddle, then sheaths it.
In 2004 she created kuto'iis ("blood"), which consists of hundreds of small knotted balls of cloth attached to a wall, painted in red ochre.
She uses cloths attached to her flying blades to subdue his prosthetics, and she and Man finally defeat him.
A bit of metal with a red piece of cloth attached fell out, bounced once, and disappeared through a gap into the night.
The horse was played by a man, hidden under a cloth attached to the pole, who bent forward to rest the pole on the ground.
As a result, Manchu forces decimated Li's forces, using a cloth attached to the uniforms of Sangui's troops as a way to differentiate friend from foe.