The court ruled that the closure notice was illegal because RWE had not been given sufficient opportunity to respond to the order.
With 'promotions' like this a closure notice becomes almost superfluous.
It was therefore no surprise when closure notices were posted in March 1961.
These proposals were seriously considered, and closure notices were posted at Marylebone in 1984.
Making a contract settlement saves you from having to deal with several separate closure notices, Corporation Tax amendments or assessments and penalties.
In 1984, closure notices were posted at the S&C's remaining stations.
Several offers for the facilities have been surfacing following the closure notice.
I like that you provided a link to here in the closure notice - very considerate.
On 17 November, administrators were appointed and on 26 November the following closure notice was issued:
It remained open for a few more years, but the final service was held on 4 November 2007 and a temporary closure notice was served.