A closet rod sagging under the weight of clothes on clothes hangers is an example of a beam experiencing bending.
Most of these cases are closet rods and chairs that slip out from under their feet.
I though you were reacting to having backed into the closet rod at, like, one mile an hour.
Lear Siegler's ironing board, Express, is mounted on a vertical pole that attaches to the closet rod.
It comes with a beechwood hanger, so it can be slung over any closet rod or wall hook.
This spring's version hangs on a closet rod; $7.49 at the Container Store.
The long rod that protruded from it let the owner have a dual-level closet and hang clothes high on a second closet rod.
Short, choppy, frightened breaths emanated from behind a closet rod of dangling shirts.
Jeff's knuckles whitened where he gripped the wooden closet rod, converted to a makeshift fighting staff.
Other hangers actually hinder the smooth functioning of a closet's performance by becoming snarled on the closet rod.