The closest example to his use of fear as a weapon is in "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2".
The closest example of a similar situation in the Solar System is Mars's moon Phobos.
The closest natural example of fusion is the sun, where temperatures at the core are 14 million degrees centigrade and gravitational pressures are crushing.
The closest modern example is the Tschi Council which --" "I thought so!
The closest example of a 'pure' economic simulation may be Capitalism, the goal of which is to build an industrial and financial empire.
The closest example was the partially reusable Space Shuttle.
The song is a bit of an anomaly in Sparks back catalogue, being one of the closest examples to a novelty song.
I wanted to rediscover at least the most prominent and closest examples.
"Because our telescopes can only see the closest examples, this means the Milky Way must be brimming with objects like these."
The concept of 'People's war,' first described by Clausewitz in On War, was the closest example of a mass guerrilla movement in the era.