His hobbies include cheese-rolling, Morris dancing,watching his favorite show 'Sweet Valley High' with a few of his closest buddies.
Introduced with Clancy was Mike Massaconi, who Clancy would call his closest buddy during the war.
He carries the photo in his pocket and soon wins a streak of poker games, then survives a battle that kills two of his closest buddies.
Meanwhile, one of the governor's closest buddies earned $500,000 as a lobbyist for making a phone call.
With the aid of his closest buddies (Chris Owen, William Lee Scott and Chad Lindberg), Homer draws on limited local resources for his rocketry experiments.
Even Andre Rison, once one of his closest buddies, ripped him.
Ernest, despite having good intentions, is utterly oblivious to Vern's apparent distress regarding him and always regards Vern as his closest buddy and confidant.
(Madhumaṅgala) An absolute comic relief, he was one of the closest buddies of Krishna with a voracious appetite.
Talking of which, the physicist Nelson is my closest buddy now--kids me along, drops hints to imply that he knows that I know that he knows, etc.
We were as expendable as Mac here, not my closest old buddy, but he doesn't deserve to be dropped into an arctic ice flow, either.