There are likewise signs at the referral stage of closer liaison with other agencies.
There will be closer liaison with other agencies, but difficulties will inevitably surface from differing viewpoints.
Haile Selassie went to Khartoum, where he established closer liaison with both the British headquarters and the resistance forces within Ethiopia.
We thought their positions superior to ours for close observation of Hill 1114, and we also wanted to establish closer liaison with the 3d Life Guard Battalion.
He lobbied Congress to finance a variety of projects included closer liaison with the neglected libraries of Eastern Europe.
There appeared to be a much closer liaison between the various parties serving the industry in Germany than in Britain.
A feature of the role has been the opportunity it has provided for closer liaison between the Catholic Education Commission and the Department of Education.
She'd welcome closer liaison with you and the Assembly on this and ... other matters.
I hope, therefore, that Parliament will be able to have a much closer liaison with these committees in the future.
There will however, be closer liaison between Churches Together in Shropshire and the Telford Christian Council.