The Company however was not willing simply to spend money, but intended to have somewhat closer control than had been the case in the more recent past.
He declared it his aim to bring greater transparency and closer control to Swiss companies.
The man was not pleased, since it required him to keep a closer control over the horse.
Later in this chapter we will examine the gradual growth of government concern to assume a closer control of the process.
But most of all I want to see much closer control of how and where antibiotics are used.
The housing authority also came under closer control of the city government.
He simply wished to have closer control of what Javan was studying and thinking.
Springbuck expressed surprise that the Yalloroon didn't live under closer control.
Advances in computer power and advanced sensors will allow for much closer control of the overall metalworking processes.
As a result, it was under closer Soviet control than the air forces of other Warsaw Pact states.