While this region has its own internal diversity, there is arguably an overall shared history, culture (music, cuisine), mind set or world view and closely interrelated dialects of English.
These are closely interrelated and the Government's plans for the 'inner cities' cannot be understood unless seen as part of this overall enterprise.
It considers the many economic, social, and institutional problems of underdevelopment as closely interrelated and requiring simultaneous and coordinated approaches to their solution at both the national and international levels.
These three areas are closely interrelated and must be managed coherently.
Long sentences with closely interrelated parts appear alongside brief, sometimes cryptic or oblique comments couched in clever, often scholarly German idiom.
Then, we'll lay the foundation for a lengthy investigation into RAMBUS technology by considering the closely interrelated issues of transistor counts, pin counts, and granularity.
The two principle resources of the Atlantic shore, fishing and tourism, both closely interrelated, have both been seriously affected.
The institutional provisions in particular were closely interrelated and formed a single whole.
These are closely interrelated topics, for the Union's strategy for economic growth and employment is related to these issues.
Everything was heavenly and closely interrelated (see table below).