The bishops are expected to take up the matter at a closed-door conference this week in Colorado.
The entry on the court's public docket shows that while the state's appeal was pending the justices discussed it nine times at closed-door conferences.
The vote, taken at 7 P.M. after hours of delays and closed-door conferences, was 19 to 12.
No more closed-door conferences with a struggling student.
It meets once a year for a closed-door conference.
But in testimony earlier this month, Joey recalled the closed-door conference in the doctor's office.
The justices considered the case in their weekly closed-door conference four times since late January, an unusually long period of review at this stage.
The insertion usually occurs in a closed-door conference without public debate.
Meeting in a weekly closed-door conference, the Justices review new appeals on the basis of their law clerks' recommendations.
Actual decisions are being made in a closed-door "conference" that excludes Democrats and most Republicans as well.