As parents, we take comfort in the close-knit nature of the town and have allowed Nick and Becky more freedom than they have had elsewhere.
The former principal, Professor Stephen Hill, also commended its "superb campus environment and the close-knit nature of our community".
But Mr. Rivlin, Representative Guarini's press secretary, emphasized the close-knit nature of the Hill's young subculture, which can, particularly at parties, expand to include young lobbyists and journalists.
The close-knit nature of Chinatown's organizations, and the intermingling of legitimate and illicit enterprises, had long stymied efforts to crack the criminal groups.
He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the close-knit nature of the music industry.
As practice started, she was taken by the close-knit nature of the team and the way the sport lends itself to talk and friendships.
There is also an incestuous undercurrent, though this seems to be due to the close-knit nature of the family.
The move to secure the A.I.G. documents for all parties is related to the close-knit nature of the entities, which had close ties until recently.
"And he's a very like-minded soul," Mr. Jones said, which is important because of the close-knit nature of the Bartle Bogle culture.
Despite the town's close-knit nature, many here had no idea that Mr. Spann worked for the C.I.A.