She kept her mouth close to the target and made love to the girl with all her might.
A torrent of hot lead spewed from the mouth of her M-16, never even coming close to the target.
Blue One was so far up the canyon, so close to the target, that an air strike would hit her, too.
Shots sped close to the moving target, but they failed to nick the traveling form in black.
The question was still offensive - too close to the target, actually.
The students stop their blows close to the target.
An obvious circumvention would be to aim the laser merely close to the target.
Aries opened fire, and her shot fell close to the target.
Most would hit close to the target and a couple might be quite a distance away in a pattern along the gun-to-target line.
Total debt sold by France this morning came to €7.96bn - very close to the target.