The figure released Friday means that the economy has edged close to the number of jobs that existed before the 2001 recession began.
The Columbus campus has 3,389 students, close to the number of three years ago.
No one, apart from Mao, gets close to the number of their own people that the Soviet commies murdered or were responsible for.
After briefly reviewing them, both groups could roughly estimate the number of dots close to the correct number.
This is a standard "wisdom of the crowds" sort of question, where the mean should be somewhere close to the actual number.
A cabin heater intake scoop was positioned too close to the number 3 alternate tank air vent.
Mr. Osterholm said he doubted that his county would receive anything close to the number of doses needed to meet demand.
Three was close to the right number, though the truck in front of the building could have easily held more.
He said there had been 35 purchase offers for the property - close to twice the number he would have expected a year ago.
But when inflation edges just above 3 percent, that average P/E has dropped to 17.6, close to the current number.