He was 2-2 on Fitzgerald, and two close pitches were called balls.
"But, close, close pitches will determine the game, one way or the other."
On close pitches that were called balls, they booed mercilessly.
There were close pitches, but the guy's got a sharp breaking ball and it's hard to call.
"I thought there were a few close pitches," Farr said.
Leary made a close pitch and thought he had struck out Murphy, but wound up walking him instead.
Valentin came to bat again and took a close pitch.
Giambi worked a full count, taking a close pitch for a ball on 2-2.
It was a close pitch to take, but it ran just outside and the count went full.
The dozens of possible outcomes include Ramirez taking a close pitch for ball four - or strike three.