Yesterday, the stock closed at $5.50 a share, down 50 cents, on volume of 100,300 shares.
First Interstate closed at $44.875, up $6.25, on volume of 1,938,200.
Nationsbank closed down 2 1/8 points, to 46, on heavy volume of 2.22 million shares.
It closed at $6.375 a share, unchanged, on volume of almost 4.1 million shares.
The stock closed at $29 on volume of 6.6 million shares.
AremisSoft fell $1.30, or 9.8 percent, to close at $11.98, on volume of more than 9.5 million shares.
It closed at $95, up 50 cents, on volume under a million shares.
The stock closed down $2.875, at $10.50, on volume of 1.6 million shares.
It closed at $10.6875 Friday on volume of 3,700 shares.
It closed up 1 point, to 27, on volume of 5.88 million shares.