Three other close contemporaries of Peregrinus mention him in existent literature.
Ives and Enescu, close contemporaries, were also alike in being city professionals remembering the small towns and the countryside they had come from.
The music the duo had been performing was electric folk rock similar to their close contemporaries Jefferson Airplane, with unique harmonic interplay between the couple.
All were close contemporaries born in the early 1860s.
In the eight months since the disappearance, Wolf had painstakingly located forty-seven surviving acquaintances and close contemporaries of Capman.
Most of the officers with whom she'd dealt were close contemporaries of the boyish colonel.
This was a fitting choice because Scriabin and Rachmaninoff were close contemporaries and students together in Moscow, however divergent their later paths.
These four were close contemporaries.
Perdu suggested that these two Saite kings were close contemporaries.
The Anai Ayya brothers were close contemporaries of the great composer Tyagaraja and were related to Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer.