A medical thriller revolving around a conservative Southern senator and the inventor of a new cloning procedure.
A few years ago I discovered a new cloning procedure.
Forget that the cloning procedure itself is highly unreliable, failing 276 times before the Scottish scientists finally achieved a success.
Even worse, their lives were about to end due to a fault in the cloning procedure.
He and Ilona were saving every penny they could scratch together to eventually pay for a cloning procedure.
The cloning procedure of Wang and Zakian (30) was followed.
Figure 1:Scheme of the cloning procedure.
The cloning procedure involves the generation of two vector arms which are then joined to the foreign DNA.
I think that, more than likely, the Vatican biological research laboratory has developed more advanced cloning procedures than can be found anywhere in the known galaxy.
The cloning procedure was devised as a means for helping infertile couples conceive artificially, by producing extra embryos.