The success of the IBM PC inspired clone manufacturers.
As designed by IBM, the connectors are mechanically keyed so that each can only be inserted in its correct position, but some clone manufacturers cut costs and used unkeyed (interchangeable) connectors.
Microchannel did not gain widespread support, because IBM wanted to exclude clone manufacturers from this next generation computing platform.
End-users and the clone manufacturers revolted against IBM and developed their own open standards bus, known as EISA.
As with most machines from clone manufacturers.
The International Business Machines Corporation has stunned personal computer "clone" manufacturers by demanding retroactive payments from them for patents used in PC clones over the last several years.
Some clone manufacturers have released modified versions of the firmware to support additional games; others have eliminated R4 firmware, replacing it with homebrew loaders (such as YSMenu).
"If a clone manufacturer had a portable, I suspect that almost all of those customers would have remained within the Mac OS camp."
At least two of the leading clone manufacturers have been challenged in court by Lego.
"Sony will never succeed as a just another clone manufacturer," he said.