Located within a weak steering environment, the storm executed a clockwise loop while quickly strengthening.
Initially moving towards the west, the cyclone then made a clockwise loop, and turned south.
The track is a clockwise loop approximately 1 mile in length.
The middle track isn't used for revenue service, but merges onto the clockwise loop.
Initially the storm was predicted to execute a clockwise loop and drift to the west in response to a high pressure system.
The depression completed a elongated clockwise loop and continued to the southeast.
It drifted northward, then executed a clockwise loop off the coast of Florida.
It reached typhoon intensity on the 17th just prior to beginning a two-day clockwise loop.
Begin by forming a clockwise loop around the pole, with the working end of the rope on top.
Influenced by a northeasterly steering flow, the depression made a clockwise loop.