In another episode, a simple clock graphic in the corner of the screen counts the vital minutes following a coronary.
The clock at the corner of Trud's vision counted mercilessly on, the seconds of life dribbling out.
The clock was counting backward; one hundred seconds to re For better or worse, he was committed.
The game uses the GameCube's internal clock to count real time as game time.
A synchronous electric clock does not contain a timekeeping oscillator like a pendulum, but instead counts the oscillations of the AC utility current from its wall plug to keep time.
After launch, the clock counts forward in Mission Elapsed Time for several hours.
The $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 clocks counted upward from $0 to that amount, while the $2,000 and $4,000 clocks counted down to $0.
A clock counted one minute, two, three, five.
The prominent digital clock was once again counting the seconds to their destiny, the gaudy red flickering a mechanical symbol of the tension rebuilding under the dispassionate routine of the checklist.
Television reporters gave frantic updates from the Midtown hotel where contract talks were taking place, while clocks in the corners of television screens counted the seconds to Transit Heck.