Energy was beginning to flag as the clock approached midnight, but organiser Dave was on hand to administer cans of Red Bull to keep everyone pumped.
Shoulders were sagging, and as the clock approached the four-minute mark, an 11-4 Duke run cut the Kansas lead to 55-52.
IT was a bright summer afternoon and the clock was approaching 4:15 p.m. David Sinish, a senior financial underwriter in downtown Hartford, was getting nervous.
As the clock approached 3 A.M., Japan came under pressure to reduce its tariffs on liquor.
Lane, who emerged as a superior offensive rebounder in his sophomore season, fought for his final one of the tournament along the left baseline as the clock approached zero.
The clock approached nine.
The clock was approaching midnight and the players were on their way out.
The clock on the mantel was approaching twelve.
As the clock is fast approaching to the midnight hours, we are left with a nail biting suspense.
"Look it," Ms. Wilson said as the clock approached midnight and her energy began flagging.