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That's why I undertook the cloak-and-dagger stuff.
"Oh, I heard there was cloak-and-dagger stuff going on," said Joe politely.
My Fleet Street mate mentioned Tarrant when he was talking about cloak-and-dagger stuff.
"The cloak-and-dagger stuff does still exist, Nolan," Flowers said.
By jove, if they knew there was cloak-and-dagger stuff mixed up with the sale, there'd be a riot!
We had a little cloak-and-dagger stuff going there.
While it was not cloak-and-dagger stuff, it was dramatic, and understandably gratifying to Roethlisberger.
The cloak-and-dagger stuff is threaded through the book.
It was cloak-and-dagger stuff all the way, thought Garibaldi, as they followed the man through the wrought-iron gate and into the courtyard of his apartment complex.
The cloak-and-dagger stuff you're so good at has become respectable at Langley once again.