However, calcitonin seems far less essential than PTH, as calcium metabolism remains clinically normal after removal of the thyroid (thyroidectomy), but not the parathyroids.
It is important to note that muscle weakness and pain typically resolves within hours to days, and patients appear clinically normal in the intervening periods between attacks.
The incubation period between picking up the infection and showing the first clinical signs is four to five days and during this time the animal appears clinically normal.
Patients having this form of the disorder are clinically normal.
Children of Up to 8 The children who became infected through transfusions are now as old as 8, and most "are clinically normal," Dr. Mundy said.
Heterozygotes are clinically normal, although their neutrophils may be mistaken for immature cells, which may cause mistreatment in a clinical setting.
The research suggests that clinically normal older people (no symptoms at all) have biomarker evidence of amyloid beta (Aβ) build-up in the brain.
Members of the third group were almost eight times as likely as those in the first to have clinically normal memory skills.
Puncta pruritica (also known as "Itchy points") consists of one or two itchy spots in clinically normal skin, sometimes followed by the appearance of seborrheic keratoses at exactly the same site.
Being vulnerable to addiction means that there exists some factor which makes a person more likely to develop an addiction than a clinically normal person.