For patients living in high-prevalence areas who spend time outdoors, a high degree of clinical suspicion should be employed.
Acceptable values, where there is no clinical suspicion of rheumatism are as follows:
A history of exposure to asbestos may increase clinical suspicion for mesothelioma.
Staff chooses to screen some individuals and not others based on clinical suspicions or partially implemented protocols.
Diagnosis is generally made based on clinical suspicion along with a positive culture from a sample from virtually any place in the body.
The diagnosis is a combination of clinical suspicion plus radiological investigation.
The predictive value of a positive culture increases if the culture is performed in patient with high clinical suspicion, rather than a screening test.
Treatment solely on the basis of clinical suspicion should only be considered when a parasitological diagnosis is not accessible.
Under strong clinical suspicion, liver and brain biopsies may be undertaken.
Due to its invasiveness, biopsy will not be done if clinical suspicion is sufficiently high or low.