Recent clinical reports indicate that it may have mood stabilizing properties.
We don't have very good studies, but from clinical reports there's a strong indication of that.
As a result, the only information available comes from users themselves and clinical reports of acute mephedrone toxicity.
It was marketed for a number of years and was the subject of numerous clinical reports before its use declined.
A clinical report from 1992 showed that the severe pain was persistent and did not respond to morphine.
His brief clinical report described the case of a person with a psychotic disorder resembling hebephrenia (see below).
The academy's policy website contains all current academy policies and clinical reports.
There are very few clinical reports on the toxinology of D. rufozonatum bites, but the species appears to be non-venomous.
Human fatalities, often children, have been confirmed by clinical reports.
There are, at any rate, very few clinical reports of fetuses/infants diagnosed with tetraploidy mosaicism.