While some trace its roots back to the 1940s, the actual term "clinical engineering" was first used in 1969.
In the early 1970s, clinical engineering was thought to be a field that would require many new professionals.
In 2011, AAMI arranged a meeting to discuss a new name for clinical engineering and/or biomedical equipment technology.
It covers research in biomedical and clinical engineering.
This is the only graduate program currently in India that trains engineers in the field of clinical engineering.
This orientation introduces the new entrants about the entire program and clinical engineering in generally.
Öberg's research interests are in circulatory physiology, bio-optics, biomedical instrumentation, sensors and clinical engineering.
During the first ten years of its existence, clinical engineering became a viable subdiscipline with an increasing number of members employed in the health care area.
- clinical engineering - applying the latest technology to health care and health care systems in hospitals.
Proposals are in the works for master's degrees in advanced technology with concentrations in e-commerce, clinical engineering and biomedical technology.