It also focuses its research on microfluidics & clinical diagnostics and interdisciplinary human biotechnology.
Collection of genetic material is important in "population screening, clinical molecular diagnostics and paternity testing".
Immunoperoxidase is a type of immunostain used in molecular biology, medical research, and clinical diagnostics.
Immunoperoxidase staining is used in clinical diagnostics and in laboratory research.
In clinical diagnostics, immunostaining can be used on tissue biopsies for more detailed histopathological study.
In an interview, Gray suggested that NanoString would begin to develop clinical diagnostics.
Immunoassays are standard tools used in clinical diagnostics.
The Phenomizer - A tool for clinical diagnostics in medical genetics.
Some physiological changes in human beings and other warm-blooded animals can also be monitored with thermal imaging during clinical diagnostics.
The applications of immunostaining are numerous, but are most typically used in clinical diagnostics and laboratory research.