This town being a taluk headquarters, has a government hospital and a private clinic run by a lady doctor for many years, some private hospitals.
The average patient will not see an immediate change in service at the clinics, now run by the city's Health Department.
The series is about a psychiatric clinic run by a family in Boston.
However, Franklin in turn hears of rumors of another clinic being run there and investigates.
There are many small clinics run by several doctors.
She becomes a doctor consultant in the clinic run by Carol Hathaway.
The first two are government operated, while the latter is a private clinic run by the chmch.
Medical clinics run by the Islamic groups are the only choice for the poor and those not well connected.
The new programs include money for rural clinics run by Cuban doctors and literacy classes organized by both countries.
The church has served the poor with a school and a medical clinic run by nuns for nearly 80 years.