Subconsciously her hands roved over her body, feeling the firm contours beneath the clinging gown.
Long, raven-dark hair fell in a smooth sweep down over a clinging black gown.
Long, raven-dark hair falling in smooth splendor over a clinging black gown.
Yet he could not have found her more alluring if she had been shoehorned into a clinging, sequined gown with canyonesque decolletage.
She was all angles and sharp edges, a woman made from crystal, completely out of place in her clinging black off-the-shoulder gown.
Looking spectacular in a black clinging gown, she begins by climbing on a grand piano and doing some calculated simmering.
A girl, dressed from throat to ankle in a clinging gown of embroidered silk, offered him a tray of food and drink.
Marcus caught the eye of a dark-haired beauty in a sheepskin jacket and clinging green gown.
Celeste is first seen in a clinging gown of sable-trimmed red bugle beads.
Multiple reflections of the major appeared in a clinging yellow gown.