Nevertheless she clung to her position that the trip to 243 ble.
He clung to his precarious position and squeezed his eyes tightly shut, willing the pain to go away.
Despite the forward two platoons falling, Sharma desperately clung to his position with the depth platoon.
If the owners cling to their position, they would act contrary to previous negotiations.
She clung to her consultant's position, even though she barely ever tried to interfere with the operation of the news media in Selene.
For a man who had been "relieved" three times already, he certainly clung to his position.
I clung desperately to my position, hoping against hope the ship's shields were still up on our impulse drive.
Father Rinpoch6 clung to his position.
You should have clung to your spurious position long enough to have gotten a head start for the Galactic periphery!
Grey obviously felt properly miserable, but still he clung somehow to his position.