When, after a whipper, or long fall, a climber falls past their belayer, who is generally lifted up off the ground.
A fallling climber will typically fall over twice the distance between him/her and the last runner.
Lead falls are dangerous because the climber can fall twice the length of the rope between him and his last piece of protection.
Thus, a climber who is 5 feet above his protection will fall 10 feet.
Another climber slipped and fell on the descent and died during the night.
Another shot; the second climber toppled and fell sprawling to the ground below.
But, local climbing experts said, even the best-equipped climbers can fall prey to the mountain's dangers.
First attempt abandoned when a climber fell ill and died at 6200m.
Let him continue in his delusion, however it galled him; only she need ever know from which wall the climber had fallen.