The Valley's unique climatic and natural features attract a steady flow of outdoor recreationalists.
Other applications of the Hilbert spectrum include analysis of climatic features, water waves, and the like.
It has typical climatic feature as of Kathmandu valley with slightly low temperature.
A prominent climatic feature of Texas is a dry line that runs north-south through its center.
However, varying concentrations and distributions allow for the analysis of climatic features of a region.
These are distinguished by dominant physical, climatic, and vegetative features.
No single climatic feature can be relied on as the proof of greenhouse-induced warming.
Aloft, two on-again, off-again climatic features joined forces to dry out the state.
The special climatic features of Member States have to be taken into account at Community level.
The forests destroyed by fire will have to be built up again, with due respect for climatic and ecological features.