The following tables indicate average climatic data throughout the area.
The National Weather Service in Amarillo forecasts and provides climatic data for the city.
"We found that the climatic data were very well in synchrony during summer but not winter," she said.
In these areas good-quality climatic data were not available for quite some time after that.
Holdridge, L.R. (1947) Determination of world plant formations from simple climatic data.
Between 1950 and 1974, this climatic data was collected at Port Radium:
Note the slight discrepancy from the climatic data.
Records for individual dates are held since 1899, while climatic data only reflects norms and extremes between 1971 and 2000.
This explains why attention has been given to producing future warm earth scenarios based on past climatic data.
He assembled genetic, climatic, archaeological, ethnographic and experimental data to examine the cost-benefit relationship of human cooperation in ancient populations.