The textiles are housed in climate-controlled space in the basement of the building.
The exhibition, scheduled to open in November, will include a climate-controlled space full of butterflies that requires admission of about $5.
Both areas offer climate-controlled interior space with banquet-style seating, flat-screen televisions, private restrooms, and an outside seating area.
Margellar kept his collection in a 20-by34-foot climate-controlled space in the basement.
Markets with climate-controlled spaces make, cure and sell soupy year-round.
Still, for what most companies would consider a modest fee, records centers provide secure, vermin-free, climate-controlled and smoke-sensored space.
It encompasses 22,000 sq meters of climate-controlled space, and plans are in place to triple this size.
The company spent $100 million to retrofit it into a climate-controlled space to house Global's Web site operating unit.
Inside the climate-controlled space, 'WONDERS' builds a structure based on the exhibition theme.
During the cataloging project, the dresses and other pieces will be moved from their cramped storage spread throughout the museum to a climate-controlled space in Brooklyn.