He spent nearly two years at Toulon, where the climate suited him.
He's past sixty, Niko; this climate doesn't suit him; he's not been well.
The climate suited him, and he was even able to complete the writing of a non-fiction guide book for the South African Tourist Board.
'So a warm climate would suit, you tell me?'
The dry climate suited her father, who suffered from ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease.
Some of the emigrants went first to Cyprus, but the climate there did not suit them.
The climate didn't suit me: I ramjetted to New York.
He then returned to Maharashtra, and settled near Miraj because its climate suited him.
A warmer climate will suit me fine!
She had a handsome face, whose complexion had turned yellow because the climate of Sulaco did not suit her at all.