In contrast, a climate reconstruction based on glacial length shows no great variation from 1600 to 1850, though it shows strong retreat thereafter.
Mann noted that the grant concerned was for research into the interaction between the atmosphere and vegetation in the African savannah, and did not relate to climate reconstructions.
In 2003, that National Academies of Science convened an expert panel on recent climate reconstructions.
One of the key aims of the European Union Millennium Project is climate reconstruction.
However, there is not a comprehensive 'network' of paleoclimate data as there is with instrumental coverage, so global climate reconstructions are often difficult to obtain.
It was only in the 1960s that accurate use of tree rings for climate reconstructions was pioneered by Harold C. Fritts.
In May 2002 Mann and Scott Rutherford published a paper on testing methods of climate reconstruction which discussed this technique.
Oxygen isotopes are also used in climate reconstructions from tree rings.
Peering into the past is always fraught with uncertainty, and historic climate reconstructions are no exception.
The original climate reconstruction emerged in the late 1990's as scientists took scattered indirect hints of past conditions, like variations in tree rings, and built an overall estimate.