Although, if I'm reading this right, the climate impact is still pretty worrisome; this just gives us a bit more time to deal with it.
Furthermore, the proposed highway will increase climate impacts by increasing driving distance.
In at least one section, on climate impacts in Europe, those with a more dire view clearly had their way.
But the Tokelauans say the main factor is concern over climate impacts, and a desire to show it can be done.
He was involved in two of the recent international assessments on climate impacts.
Countries highly vulnerable to climate impacts notched up a win too.
What was the climate impact of the event in 1783?
If a pair of Timberlands rates a 2 on climate impact, that's great.
Most recently, research suggests that there may also be regional climate impacts due to the solar cycle.
Thus if we're going to compare computing to flying we should focus first on the relative climate impacts.