The instrument is currently operated to detect 14 species of halocarbons targetted specifically as climate forcing agents.
It would include all the important components but not all the components of climate forcing.
Like carbon dioxide, many non-CO2 atmospheric gases absorb in the infrared and contribute to climate forcing.
This could provide an effective initial step by which an energetically-weak solar signal is amplified into a significant climate forcing.
Due to its great extent, this glaciation in the subtropics was an important element of climate forcing.
In addition, tropospheric ozone is a climate forcing agent whose global impact appears to be increasing with time.
Roughly half of the variation depends on the future climate forcing scenario rather than uncertainties in the model.
Other factors such as relative humidity and aerosol chemistry also determine the role aerosols play in climate forcing.
The measured values relevant for climate forcing calculations are: light absorption, total scattering and backscattering.
Factors that influence Earth's energy balance can be quantified in terms of "radiative climate forcing."