The core has been used to study long-term climate fluctuations.
Within a few decades, say many scientists focused on the region, the insulating power of greenhouse gases will dominate natural climate fluctuations, possibly for centuries.
The ultimate test of theories about seasonal climate fluctuations will come when they are applied to seasonal predictions before the fact, not six months after.
Other scientists say it is too early to attribute recent temperature readings to anything but normal climate fluctuations.
The history of glaciers is an index to climate fluctuations.
He believed that climate fluctuations are caused by changes in the amount of particulate matter in the atmosphere.
NASA officials said the intent was to use the most general term to describe climate fluctuations.
The continuing global climb in temperatures, however, is getting harder to link to natural climate fluctuations, many scientists say.
But they said scientists had not yet been able to separate the greenhouse signal from the natural climate fluctuations.
They decided that the differences resulted from poor restoration, climate fluctuations and years of travel.