The show's final season was placed on hiatus after the cliffhanger episode, and did not return until May 23, 1999, a year after the season finale aired.
Hassan left Hollyoaks in 2012 when her character was killed off during a "dramatic cliffhanger" episode.
Generally, major challenges were screened as a cliffhanger episode on Friday nights.
Herbison stated that Drew was to be killed off in a cliffhanger episode, after Paris decided to exit the show to pursue "fresh challenges".
Paul explained that we were shooting the finale of the show's sixth season, a cliffhanger episode scheduled to be shown this spring.
Typically, an anxious Abner would race frantically to the mailbox or to the train delivering the morning newspapers, to get a glimpse of the latest cliffhanger episode.
Science fiction television producers will sometimes end a season with a dramatic cliffhanger episode to attract viewer interest, but the short-term effect rarely influences financial partners.
The first season of the show premiered Wednesday, September 20, 2006 and concluded with a cliffhanger episode on May 9, 2007.
In a cliffhanger final episode, Catherine is seen walking down a tunnel into a chamber, where Vincent is suffering from a violent madness.
The story line began playing out from the 2006 "cliffhanger" episode, when Ash reveals that he is married with children and leading a double life.