By contrast, the client-server architecture is abandoned in the design of MicroXwin.
In a client-server architecture, on the other hand, a persistent connection is typically used so that server state can be managed.
Like the previous Quake games the multiplayer has a client-server architecture.
Mumble uses a client-server architecture which allows users to talk to each other via the same server.
There are two components to the client-server architecture.
Due to the client-server architecture of the program, the administrator can use a single client to manage several servers over the network.
It is based on personal computer architecture, and can be directly attached to the local network in a client-server architecture.
The client-server architecture has become one of the basic models of network computing.
Bcfg2 is based on a client-server architecture.
It employs "client-server" architecture, where jobs are split between small client computers and large servers.