As a result the data access enjoys location transparency, meaning that the logic may run on the client workstation or server depending on the application's configuration.
Btrieve used requesters to make database I/O requests from the client workstation.
Another possibility is that of introducing a virus or running unauthorized software on the client workstation thus threatening the entire information bank at the server (Exforsys Inc., 2007).
Mobile code can also download and execute in the client workstation via email.
A small crew would need to be able to maintain hundreds of workstations, leading to the design of "stateless" or "thin client" workstations.
Proxy servers hide the true address of the client workstation and can also act as a firewall.
Use a local PC as a client workstation.
JTLS can be executed on an optimized desktop or laptop computer, or a network of servers and client workstations.
This greatly simplified maintenance of client workstations on the network.
The original version was written in WinPlus, a Hypercard like program, and ran on a local area network with one server and numerous client workstations.