Mr. Harris's lawyer, Richard Barbuto, did not return calls seeking comment but previously said that his client would waive immunity from prosecution.
If this is done, and if he and I can be convinced of a speedy route for a criminal trial, my client will waive diplomatic immunity.
Your client has not waived his right to a speedy trial.
The confidentiality privilege belongs to a client, Mr. Bernstein said, and only the client can waive it.
Generally, a client waives the attorney-client privilege when he voluntarily discloses privileged communications to third party.
That is, a client will have waived privilege where their conduct has been inconsistent with the maintenance of that privilege.
Thus, only the client may waive privilege.
As lawyer-client confidentiality exists for the benefit of the client, the confidence is the client's to waive or modify.
A client who initiates proceedings against a lawyer effectively waives rights to confidentiality.
Unless your client waives time, I'm not gonna be allowing any continuances.