Software could now be installed remotely on a number of machines simultaneously, without using the client system's interface.
The price of the client system is $3,875 while the server version is $11,627, and both will be available in December.
No maintenance of master data occurs in the connected client systems.
A single sign-on server will issue digital certificates into the client system, but never stores them.
How far do the clients involved in participation represent the complete client system?
In one way or another, the representatives will be compared with the total client system.
Audio is also redirected, so that any sounds generated by a remote application are played back at the client system.
Without transparent access from any modern client system, it isn't ubiquitous.
Included in this stage is action-planning activity carried out jointly by the consultant and members of the client system.
One of the most difficult tasks confronting the change agent is to help create in the client system a safe climate for learning and change.