The top three issues in which clients seek help are time management, career and business.
His clients are seeking damages of between £15,000 and £20,000.
It will drive business out of the state, as clients seek services in venues not subject to a tax.
One client, a man in his mid-20's, worked at a Fortune 1000 corporation and was seeking help with relationship problems.
It assumes the client, the person being helped, is seeking information or expert service that they cannot provide for themselves.
Efforts should be made to understand why these clients repeatedly seek follow-up testing.
Our clients are seeking emotional sanctuary, especially the many who have suffered abuse.
When clients sought to withdraw their money, he used cash from other investors' accounts to pay them off.
Urban marketing, he said, may be the big idea that agencies and clients continually seek.
In Florida, clients have sought help with child care about half as often as officials initially expected.