Personal trainers may specialize in a certain training type, training philosophy, performance type, exercise modality, or client population.
As part of his first M.A. he undertook an extensive clinical training, undertaking over 1500 hours of supervised clinical work with different client populations and therapeutic modalities.
The demographic makeup of PTV's client population is ever-changing, as global, regional, and national sociopolitical dynamics are constantly in flux.
One of the first projects jointly pursued by the LA Basin programs will address the diverse languages spoken by Asian client population.
The Oregon Law Center was specifically established to ensure access for disfavored client populations and issues restricted for LSC recipients.
The client population will be multinational due to the continuing influx of immigrants.
Programs create staff positions charged with working with special client populations.
"Keep a client population sedated or at the very least distracted, so that they can run things."
Counseling psychologists are employed in a variety of settings depending on the services they provide and the client populations they serve.
These guidelines recommend how CTR can be provided to clients who could most benefit from these services across various settings and client populations.