The acceptance, which the client perceives, permits him to reveal himself fully, without damage to his sense of dignity.
To this end, SDT maintains, it is necessary that the client perceive the therapist as possessing two essential characteristics: honesty and competence.
Sadly, however, 95% of respondents thought that their clients had not perceived any benefits, with one or two adding the comment 'except higher fees'.
"And if a client directs you to reject certain jurors, you must act in what your client perceives to be his best interests."
The agencies that clients perceive to be unable to operate in the new environment face the loss of important accounts and eventually extinction.
It's how the client perceives it.
Client Perception: that the client perceives, to at least a minimal degree, the therapist's UPR and empathic understanding.
"There is a general shift in how large clients perceive the brokers," said Meyer Shields, an analyst at Stifel, Nicolaus & Company.
The use of language also affects the way healthcare professionals and clients perceive both the care given and the concept of counselling itself.
The nurse didn't recognize the client who has an illness with needs therefore; the clients avoided the nurse and perceived the nurse as avoiding them.