It's the number I give the client to identify him as the owner of the trust company.
Jon sees his role as helping clients identify the type of home they want - one that fits their lifestyle.
The client may recognize and identify his problems but come no nearer to finding solutions or resolution.
Some clients will identify obvious external factors, such as changes at work, home, or in their personal life.
Encourage clients to identify their own personal chain of catastrophic thoughts.
The client will learn to interpret their feelings and goals, identify what they have avoided in the past.
The client should identify those objectives as a matter of course in the relevant engagement documentation.
In the working phase, the client identified their problems, asked questions, and recognized the nurse was beneficial.
After a greeting the client identifies itself, usually with a user name.
Secondly, the client and worker identify the main problem together, or put the problems in priority order, deciding together where to start.