Standardized services are research studies conducted for different client firms but in a standard way.
However, foreign client firms sometimes respond to that challenge by setting up complex collaborations with local universities to secure access to qualified personnel.
Once you have experience buying and managing research data for a client firm, experts say, it should be easy to slide over into the supply side of the business.
Mr. Scanlon agreed that there had been some discounting of fees and that client firms were requiring more shootouts.
Federated offers its services through approximately 4700 client firms.
Pending before the committee was whether to bring a disciplinary case against one of Bear Stearns's client firms.
Consultants can function as bridges for information and knowledge, and that external consults can provide these bridging services more economically than client firms themselves.
More on a whim, he decides to investigate the disappearance of minor accountant Paul Billson from one of his client firms.
As well as being one of the leading institutional brokers, it is one of the largest private client firms in Ireland.
The eager young man seeing his possible client firm in departure, admitted unwillingly that such a place as Sutton Chancellor did exist.