Two former clients of Wieden & Kennedy have disclosed their plans for replacement agencies.
Mr. Chinn's attorney has said that because of the nature of a blind trust, his client could not disclose how the money was invested.
The client would disclose whether he needed to urinate or defecate, and he would be charged accordingly, the latter costing more.
He emphasized that his client had fully disclosed the trip and was going through the proper channels to vet it.
The client would not disclose how much Miss Minnelli is getting paid but did say the contract is for 15 months and includes a few personal appearances.
Mr. Rowland's lawyer, William F. Dow III, said his client had disclosed the retirement account in the past.
Matthew Weissman, Mr. Kimes's lawyer, said he was stunned by the news that his client had apparently disclosed the location of Mrs. Silverman's body.
They generally require that lobbyists and clients disclose their total expenditures on lobbying in Albany, as well as individual expenditures of $75 or more.
Neither he nor his client would disclose the terms.
Simonetti's attorney said his client disclosed pleading no contest to grand theft on her application to work at Maximus in 2005.