They were not told that the client on that occasion had cancelled the deal.
To the Editor: I have time to write this letter because a client just canceled her appointment.
Many clients had canceled because they were staying home and could walk their own dogs.
"I saw the plans," said the shop's owner, who refused to give his name for fear his clients would panic and cancel orders.
Her last client canceled on her and she was able to go home at four-thirty but didn't actually leave until five.
At the last minute, she wrote, the client canceled the event.
One day, an important but superstitious client cancelled his insurance policy when the pen Waterman had given him to sign with refused to work.
Gaba clients can cancel their lessons until 6pm the previous day.
As a result, the agent said, many clients have canceled reservations.
Mr. Bailey's corporate clients have scaled back their entertainments this year, or canceled them.